.....Because preganancy and thyroid disease left me pleasantly plump. (this is me a week before giving birth to my now 9 month old son).
.....Because despite being larger than I've been my adult life, I feel more beautiful than I've ever felt.
.....Because I'm trying to be more economical and re-imagine my wardrobe instead of overpopulating it.
.....Because as I've been searching for fashion blogs, I haven't found many for people like me - too big to be 'average' but to small to be 'plus'. (mostly because of my not so ample busom) The inbetweeinies need a voice!
.....Because I tend to lose my motivation when I don't have something to hold me accountable.
.....Because although I feel beautiful right now, I also feel fat. I want to get to a size (or more like a shape) that I feel not-so-bad looking at naked in the mirror.
......Because for the first time in 3 years I would like for my BMI near the 'healthy' range (not necessarily in, but at least closer to than to obese).
......Because I want to teach my children, especially my young daughter, that counting calories and obssessing over what you see in the mirror or on the scale is not healthy. Healthy Living is healthy.
So there's the 'why'....here's the how.
I will use this blog as my journal to document pictorally and verbally the progress I am making toward a healthier life. And, the economy being what it is, I will be making this journey with only the clothes in my closet unless absolutely necessary, (If I actually lose enough to need to buy new clothes, well, I think I'll have earned that!!) taking inspiration from my fellow bloggers to help me keep my look updated with 'How' I wear my clothing and accessories. Don't feel too sorry for me folks, I have WAY more clothes and shoes than any one person would need. I just want to look better in them.
I will keep track of healthy parameters (like getting the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables each day as well as proper hydration) and ignore unhealthy ones (like weighing myself daily and calorie counting). I'll strive increase my physical activity, which is now limited to the occasional walk when it's not too hot and getting frisky with Husby. And I will take pictures of what I wear during the week to my business casual engineering office so that I can see my progress while also determining which style trends work and don't work for me.
Now, with Husby's support, (and fabulous photography skills) I'll start my journey.