Bracelet and Necklaces - Premiere Designs (via Sanja, my cousin and rep)
I had to get a close-up of the necklaces so that you can really see how beautiful they are. The colorful 'Venetian' is absolutely gorgeous, and the simple silver 'Cascade' is so dainty and versatile that I love to put them together. I love this shirt, both for the fit and the material, but over time it shrinks vertically so I have to be careful what I wear it with or by lunch I'm showing my stretch marks. I love and hate this skirt at the same time. I don't feel like it's particularly flattering on me, but the colors are just so fantastic and I get so many compliments on it when I wear it that I just can't bring myself to retire it.
On the healthy side, I broke out the book GI Diet by Rick Gallop which I bought right before getting pregnant with Buddy, so it's been living on a shelf for two years. The principles are basic. Eating foods low on the glycemic index allow your body to make the most of the food it gets. Foods are broken down to Red, Yellow, and Green. I can eat all of the Green foods I want until I reach a BMI of 22 (I'd be happy to hit 25) and then I can start introducing Yellow foods until I can balance out and maintain my weight. Red are reserved for special occasions (cake is in this category). I'm not really into fad diets or starving myself, so I checked out the green foods before I started, and realized that there's not much change from the way I've been eating, I just have to cut out the fast food. And eat 6 small meals a day instead of my 3 large. Working full time and taking 3 classes at UC will make that hard cause I'm always on the fly, but I'm determined to make this work. If I follow the plan, I could be down 22 pounds by Christmas, with a BMI of 26.9 - right smack dab in the middle of the 'Overweight' range and well on my way to being 'Healthy'. I just really hope that this works with Thyroid problems like mine. I'm running out of ideas.
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