Sunday, December 5, 2010

Vacation Binge

Sweater - Kohls; Skirt - Macy's; Boots - Marshalls;
Necklace & Cuff - Premiere; Pin - Amazon
This skirt is the purple twin of the green one seen last week. Yeah, I got it in two of the three colors available. How can you pass up colorful, cute, well fitting skirts?? Plus it was also a free skirt. The boots are burgundy. Yes, I bought boots, but I was on vacation and in Memphis so I thought I could do a little Christmas shopping for me. You know, when on vacation you often break your food diet about shopping diet rules? I didn't go crazy or anything. They were $20.
And since Stinky got some face time yesterday, I thought I'd pick up my other stretch mark creator. Here is Smeliot.
Yep, I'm in love.


  1. The skirt looks great on you and yes, if you see something that works for you, get it in as many flattering colours as possible. You'll thank yourself later for it. :)

  2. Love your outfit! Really enjoying your blog found it through Style Underdog.
