Shoes - Nine West (thirfted); Necklace - Thrifted; Earrings - Premiere
This outfit was thrown together totally last minute as I saw this shirt that I bought last summer when I was rearranging my closet and wanted to wear it. I love everything about how this outfit looked and felt. This shirt was such a pleasant surprise. I would never have paired red, magenta and brown before purchasing this, and was drawn to the ugliness of the pattern. It's really quite beautiful.
The old friend, however, is the pants. These pants are brown with gold sparkles are highwaisted, wide legged and all sorts of amazing. But they are also wool and very itchy, so after this picture was taken, I retired them into my winter clothes bin to be resurrected next October. I'll miss you, sweet pants.. Rating - Two Thumbs Up Always love it when I follow up a crappy outfit with a faboo one!
I am not getting your posts until a week later...or maybe that's how you're posting them in chuncks...sorry, I am new to this blogging world! :) But I LOVE LOVE LOVE this outfit! I am saddened to see summer come, though, ONLY when it pertains to dressing. Once I get all my summer stuff out, I may need to you to come over for another dress up day! :)